1) From School Diary under Transportation No. 64

a) While choosing private vehicles, parents are requested to select only those vehicles which comply with the “Safe School Vahan Policy” for the safety of their children.

b) The school administration fully endorses the rulings of the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana and the instructions from the state transportation department regarding the implementation of the “Safe School Vahan Policy”.

c) An office order has been issued by the Principal instructing all vehicle operators and parents to strictly comply with the “Safe School Vahan Policy”.

d) Parents are required to sign a self-declaration at the time of their children’s admission, confirming their commitment to choosing only those vehicles which comply with the “Safe School Vahan Scheme”.

e) A school transportation committee has been established to regularly summon vehicle owners and drivers for instructions and inspections. Non-compliant vehicles will be reported to the competent government authorities. Parents are urged to cooperate with the school transportation committee.

f) The school has officially banned all transporters not complying with traffic safety measures from transporting students. Parents are requested not to engage such vehicles for transporting their children.


That I shall engage for the transportation of my child only such vehicles which are run as per the traffic norms laid down by the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana. That I am aware that the school does not own its own vehicles for transportation, but it is left to the duty of parents to negotiate with vehicle owners for the arrangement of the transportation of their wards That I am informed in advance that the school does not own vehicles for the transportation of its wards, instead the parents must make their own arrangements for the same.