- Students are expected to reach the school campus five to ten minutes before the first bell for morning assembly.
- Those who are late must obtain permission from the concerned person in charge, who makes entries at the gate in the diaries of latecomers before allowing them to enter the school campus.
- After making three late arrival entries in the diary, Rs. 20/- will be charged as a fine for every subsequent late arrival from the latecomer.
- The students are not permitted to arrive too early to the school campus. If such a need arises, such students should report their early arrival to the security guard and should spend the time under the scrutiny and protection of the security guard.
- They will be allowed to enter the school building or the classroom only 10 minutes before the assembly bell.
- The students who arrive too early before the beginning of the assembly are not allowed to loiter around. They should not be seen either alone or in company with other students in any isolated corners of the school campus.
- Instead, they should be in the playground in the visibility of the security guard and would be allowed to enter the school building or the classrooms only 10 minutes before the assembly bell.
- Once a student has entered the school campus, he/she will not be allowed to leave the campus without obtaining the gate pass from the competent authority.
- The warning bell before the assembly is a signal for students to go to their respective classrooms in perfect silence.
- At the bell for beginning the assembly, the students will be marching to the assembly ground from their respective classrooms in perfect silence and discipline.
- The class teachers will monitor their discipline.
- All pupils are expected to be present for the assembly during which they pray together and no one is to stay in the classroom without obtaining prior permission on any very serious reason.
- The attendance will be marked in the attendance register at the beginning of the two sessions: one at the arrival in the class after the assembly and the other after the noon-break.
- The students are not allowed to roam about idly in the school campus or stay in the classrooms after the last bell has been rung for leaving the school.
- Any student whose transportation facility is delayed should inform the matter to the school office and wait at the reception other than loitering about outside the school gate or crowding around the street vendors or entering the adjacent shops to while away time.
- Students should be proactive in promoting a friendly school atmosphere and should work towards making the school a positive, supportive, safe, and welcoming place.
- Every student should bring the school diary to the school daily to facilitate the Principal/teachers to convey any information or request to the parents/guardians through the diary.
- If the parents/guardians are asked to meet the Principal/Teachers, they must do it without fail.
- The students who are sick should not come to the school to take the examination during the exam days.
- If one is sick, he/she must remain at home and send a leave application.
- If a student comes to school to take the examination, he/she will not be sent home before the scheduled time for the examination to get over.
- If any emergency arises, the parents will be informed for their immediate intervention.
- A leave application signed by the parents should be submitted to the office if a student wants to take a day’s leave.
- Any absence without prior leave application should be supported by a leave letter from the parents explaining the reason for the absence on the day the absentee student returns to the school.
- In the absence of such leave application, the student may be granted permission to attend the class on the same day but will be barred from entering the classroom the next day.
- Serious disciplinary action will be taken against a student who submits fabricated or fake leave letters or medical certificates to justify his absence.
- Forging the signature of anyone, including those of one’s parents, will be considered a serious criminal offense. If any such behavior is detected, the student will be suspended from the school immediately.
- A total of 75% school attendance is compulsory to be eligible to sit for the examinations, both for the term examinations and for the final examination in all classes.
- Equal importance will be given to the academic progress and the character formation of every student.
- Therefore, it would be marked in the progress report the marks obtained for the academic subjects as well as the Grade obtained in the personality traits.
- In each class, a register will be maintained in which all the staff members are free to add points for every significant good character trait, mentioning the date and the description of the good deed, as well as to enter minus points for every violation of the expected character trait or any delinquent behavior.
- At the end of every term, the plus and minus points will be tallied and the students who obtain above 90% points in good personality traits will be given appreciation awards.
- The Progress report/Proficiency profile record will be prepared after taking into consideration the remarks mentioned in the personality traits register maintained in each class.
- In the progress report, along with the marks obtained for different subjects taught in the school, Grade is marked for the personality traits of each student.
- The parents should show keen interest in the personality development of their students by checking the progress marked in the progress report.
- It is compulsory for the students to read the specified number of books from the Library in each term.
- Marks will be added for the books read, and marks will be reduced for noncompliance with the rule.
- A summary of each book read, consisting of answers to the questions: Namely, (1) What was the book all about? (2) What did you gain from reading the book? (3) Which chapter or what idea, what concept, what incident, or what expression, etc. of the book struck you/impressed you most? should be written and submitted to the respective language teacher.
- At the end of the term, the language teacher will pick up any of those summaries and may ask questions to make sure that the person still remembers what he/she had read.
- Accordingly, marks will be awarded as per the instruction of the Principal.
- All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.
- Involvement of a student in any unhealthy friendship or indecent relationship with a person of the opposite or same gender, or any remarks, comments, jokes, exchanging of letters, sexually nuanced gestures, etc. through verbal, textual, graphic or electronic media, of demeaning nature that goes against sexual modesty, will be treated as a very serious offense and such students will be asked to discontinue studies in this school with immediate effect.
- The students are forbidden to bring to the school the following items and any other similar items which are in no way related to any school activities without obtaining prior permission: Fireworks materials, Matches, Expensive toys or Weapons, Valuables, Computer games, Razor, Perfume, Knife, Yoyos, Darts, Sling shots and other potentially dangerous toys.
- If any such items are found with any student, strict disciplinary action will be taken.
- It is not permitted for children to imprint Tattoos on any part of their body and to display them to others. Such acts are not considered to be conducts of persons with nobility and are considered to be showing disrespect to one’s body.
- The same rule is applicable to girls who decorate their bodies for attracting others which may be considered as immodest and socially unacceptable to children of noble families.
- Those who defy the rule will be issued a “letter of information” to be shown to the parents, and the matter should be settled in consultation with the parents.
- Any criminal activity through social media amounting to cybercrime among the students will be considered a very serious offense for which a student may be suspended from the school with immediate effect; and the parents will be contacted to take the student home.
- Subsequently, he/she may be dismissed from the school as per the seriousness of the case.
- The Principal and Teachers are not responsible for any personal belongings that are lost or stolen while on the school premises.
- Any student who uses abusive language, engages in arguments or fights with another student, or causes intentional harm to anyone must realize that this is not acceptable behavior.
- The situation is settled with the affected person by the concerned parties in a manner that shows reconciliation with peace and humility.
- The principal and the concerned teacher of the class should give their full attention to any such act of revenge or hatred and make sure that the matter is clarified and settled peacefully.
- Duplicate copy of “School Diary” will be issued only with the consent of the Principal, after verification of the request and on a payment of Rs. 100/-.
- Children must remember to bring their school diary daily to school and should take care of it so that it is not lost.
- Each student must possess two identity cards issued by the school. One should be worn around the neck by the student whenever he is in the school complex and the other should be with the parents to show at the gate whenever the parents want to meet their students.
- No physical or verbal violence is permitted in the school. If anyone is found having recourse to such behavior, he/she will be suspended with immediate effect and an enquiry will be conducted which may lead to one’s dismissal if proved guilty.
- The school has constituted an internal complaints committee (ICC) to look into any sexual or physical harassment of the students or employees in the school. Any matters pertaining to such issues should be immediately reported to the said committee.
- The committee will then deal with the matter as per the legal norms. The same committee will look into all matters pertaining to the POCSO Act 2012 and sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition, and redressal) Act, 2013 and will follow the necessary legal procedure.
- Allotting to students different Sections/Houses and shuffling them into different classes, as and when required, is fully at the discretion of the school authorities and no request for a particular Section/House or changing of Section/House will be entertained, unless it is found very essential.
- The tendency of the students to go for private tuition is strongly discouraged; instead they should be encouraged to participate in the remedial classes provided in the school itself. The school teachers shall not engage themselves for private tuition, except with the permission of the Principal Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) to be attended by all parents/guardians of the students.
- Those students whose parents/guardians have not attended the PTM, without getting prior permission from the Principal, due to any unavoidable reasons, will not be allowed to attend the classes unless and until they bring their parents/guardians to the school.
- If anyone, be it a teacher, parent, student or an employee, be found in an inebriated state in the school campus stringent legal action will be initiated against him/her with immediate effect, leading even to the dismissal.
- While sending letters or making remittance of fee or inquiries, please note the full name (as written in the admission form) of the child. His/her class and Roll Number/Admission No. is very important to enter because there are many students in a class/school with the same name.
- The students are requested to notify the school office of any change in their address and phone numbers through a letter of application from their parents in which there should be the signature of both the parents.
- The school will not entertain any anonymous letters; instead every parent is permitted to lodge any of their complaints or suggestions through the suggestion box or through the provisions provided.
- Character formation of each student based on universal and eternal values is one of the key motives of the entire school administration.
- Therefore textbooks on moral science are compulsorily taught in the school. Besides extra instructions based on the booklet “Hints for Personality development” is regularly imparted to the students.